Believe in What You Have to Share with the World and Find the Sweet Spot Where Your Passion and Expertise Align with what People Need!
13 Entrepreneurs Share Inspiring Stories About Success and Lessons Learned in Their Business
Meet The Authors
Alina Vincent, Florence Callender, Tricia Conyers, Nedra Wendel, Ian Foster, Jennifer Yagos, Blanche Boyce, Jennifer Seidelman, Stephanie Newman, Barbara Lawson, Linda S DeNike, Aparna Vemuri, and Martie Weatherly

About Own Your Expertise
Do you feel like there’s more for you? Do you sense it’s time for a change, time to finally step into the most authentic, powerful version of yourself and share the hard-fought lessons you’ve learned?
You’re in the right place!
It’s time to gather your courage, take a good, hard look at what you know, and develop a plan to make a great living while you reach people with your message.
In Own Your Expertise: 13 Entrepreneurs Share Inspiring Stories About Success and Lessons Learned in Their Business, you’ll discover expert advice for dialing in on and owning your expertise, letting go of the beliefs that hold you back, and sharing your message with the world (while earning a healthy profit).
This is the fourth book in the Expertise-Based Business Series, after Teach Your Expertise, Leverage Your Expertise, and Monetize Your Expertise.
If you’re ready for real-life stories of courage and action that will inspire you to step into what you know and the most authentic version of yourself to build a profitable business that also changes lives, get your copy of Own Your Expertise now.